onoff engineering gmbh

Batch Systems

We ensure the quality of your products For all requirements of the batch-oriented process industry, batch systems – as an extension of the process control systems – represent the effective approach to automation solutions. Together with our customers, we develop these solutions and implement recipe-based systems in accordance with the ISA S-88 (IEC 61512) standard.

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Digital Twin

With digital images to the optimized process The digital twin opens up a wide range of possibilities for making development and production processes more efficient, more time-saving and of higher quality. onoff supports its customers on the path of digital engineering with the aim of making engineering processes more qualified, less risky and more parallel.

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Plant Migration

We make your production plants and systems future-proof Software updates to close security gaps in applications, firmware and operating systems are an important component of IT security. As a reliable partner, we support our customers in migrating the software systems of their plants and updating them to the latest operating systems in order to protect

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Monitoring Systems/Operating Data Acquisition

Our modular system gives you full control In the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in particular, the environmental conditions of production have a decisive influence on the quality of the end products. Computer-supported qualified monitoring systems, which serve to monitor these conditions and processes – independent of the building control system – while also supporting the

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InfoCarrier® EMS — Environmental Monitoring System

Our system records and visualizes relevant environmental data for safe production The Environmental Monitoring System of the InfoCarrier® (EMS) records, visualizes and documents conditions of the production environment, such as temperatures, pressures, humidities, particle quantities, as well as, for example, equipment values such as temperatures of freezer cells/cabinets. And it does this from both stationary

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InfoCarrier® RAMP — Condition Monitoring System

With cloud-based monitoring, we ensure your plant availability and product quality Constant networking and increasing amounts of data from ever more decentralized, globally distributed systems (such as supermarkets, plants, factories, etc.) regardless of their size, are ubiquitous. We bring this data together in our condition monitoring system InfoCarrier® RAMP, support our customers in exploiting the

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