
Competence confirmed: onoff is reseller partner for SIEMENS Opcenter Execution Pharma licences

Wunstorf, 16 October 2023. onoff is consolidating its successful and long-standing partnership with SIEMENS AG and is now a reseller partner for SIEMENS Opcenter Execution Pharma licences. Thus, onoff belongs to an exclusive circle of reseller partners for Opcenter Pharma. Heiko Kröber, SIEMENS partner manager of the onoff group, is therefore particularly pleased: “The fact that we have achieved this status and can count ourselves among the few Opcenter Pharma partners is a great confirmation and underlines our competence as an MES solution partner for the pharmaceutical industry.”

Opcenter Execution Pharma is a digital platform that seamlessly integrates MES functionality, automation and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. It enables streamlining of processes and operations with full compliance thanks to completely paperless manufacturing and end-to-end electronic batch record keeping for the pharmaceutical industry.

Thanks to the new partner status, onoff is now able to offer the implementation of MES projects based on the SIEMENS Opcenter Execution Pharma completely and independently. The customers receive the complete service and do not have to acquire the licence from Siemens themselves. Heiko Kröber emphasises: “The conclusion of the reseller contract is the result of our continuous development as a Siemens MES partner. Our customers from the pharmaceutical industry will benefit from this, as we can now provide them with even more -comprehensive advice and support.”
In the pharmaceutical sector, the MES partnership between Siemens and onoff has existed since 2004 – at the start still for SIMATIC IT, followed by SIMATIC IT eBR, which was merged into Opcenter Pharma. Since then, onoff has successfully cooperated with SIEMENS as a partner in a wide variety of projects. In addition, onoff is always actively involved, for example at the SIEMENS Pharma User Forum 2023 in Toulouse, where projects, applications, developments and strategies in the pharmaceutical ecosystem were presented and discussed between Siemens, pharmaceutical companies and Siemens partners.

Contact for press inquiries

Jutta Rossié

Phone: +49 5031 9686-158