
Service and Maintenance

We develop solutions made to measure

Maintenance of existing systems extends service life and reduces the probability of failure. Together with our customers, we develop customized service and maintenance strategies for automation, MES and IT/OT systems. Our specially trained employees receive introductions to the respective projects and are supported by a helpdesk system. Professional processing of service requests within agreed response times is our top priority.

Our Services

  • Service and maintenance based on standardized service levels
  • Development of a customized service strategy including service design
  • Onboarding including service transition
  • Go Live for continuous service operation as well as go-live support (Hypercare)
  • Continuous service optimization
  • On-call and remote/local service
  • Cyclic maintenance: checking system status, backups and log data, and updates
  • Organization incident management

Sucess Factors

  • Reliable service team built individually, and depending on the service level
  • Server-based helpdesk system including web access
  • Automatic notification, time tracking and escalation

You want to know more? Here you will find a concrete use case for the service.