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InfoCarrier® BOXI wins the Best of Industry Award 2022

The best comes at the end: At the end of the year, the innovative Industry 4.0 interface InfoCarrier® BOXI from onoff it-solutions gmbh received the Best of Industry Award 2022 from the trade journal MM MaschinenMarkt.

The industry award has been presented annually since 2016 to honor solutions that stand out from the crowd and offer companies real added value. This year, almost 20,000 votes were cast during the five-month voting phase. onoff was among the top three nominees in the “Factory Automation” category, along with Balluff GmbH and Comarch Software und Beratung AG, and successfully prevailed.

Our persistence pays off. The Best of Industry Award is a great confirmation of our work and shows that with InfoCarrier® BOXI we are optimally positioned for the challenges of the present and the future. The interface integrator networks systems that do not speak the same language. Legacy systems and brownfield plants thus become Industrie 4.0-capable and the integration effort between systems can be significantly reduced. InfoCarrier® BOXI works here as a system platform with universal connectors, for example for DCS, MES and OPC UA, and so adaptation of the existing software and systems is not normally necessary.

You can find out more about the InfoCarrier® BOXI here.
