News & Events

onoff as host at the 41st GAMP-D-A-CH-Forum

The onoff AG has hosted the 41st GAMP-D-A-CH-Forum as a sponsor from March 7th to 8th in Hannover. This platform represents a joint initiative of VDI/VDE and ISPE and has accordingly been actively supported by onoff for many years.

This year, about 80 leading experts from the life science industry took the opportunity to exchange information within this important network. In various Special Interest Groups (SIGs), in which recommendations and guidelines on current topics, such as cyber security, blockchain or audit trail review are developed, these important topics could be advanced and the current state of the art defined.

“I am pleased that this year, for the first time as a member of the SpiraTec Group, onoff was able to demonstrate the wide-ranging know-how in the SIGs and was involved in the new foundation of the Special Interest Working Group ‘Qualification of Modular Systems’,” says Heiko Kröber, Managing Director onoff engineering gmbh, “The personal exchange with long-standing industry colleagues is particularly valuable for me.”
