For the first time, the onoff AG publishes a forecast that proves how successfully the chosen path has developed in 2021. Towards the end of the year, the onoff AG expects a net profit of EUR 300k after taxes on the basis of sales of well over EUR 20 million compared to the previous year’s net loss of minus EUR 690k (with a previous year’s value of just under EUR 26 million).
When comparing the figures, it should not be forgotten that the total operating performance, which is an important indicator for the project business, was significantly lower in the previous year than the reported prior-year revenue. The result already includes costs for the development of the InfoCarrier® BOXI, a multifunctional interface, as well as the initiated expansion of competencies in the area of digital engineering in the amount of approximately EUR 500 thousand. Without these investments in the future, the net profit for the year would be considerably higher. “I am pleased about the many people who have contributed to this result and have realigned the onoff group,” said Dr. Uwe Ganzer, CEO of onoff AG. “Our processes are now so stable that we have decided not only to publish a forecast, but also to venture an outlook for 2022.”
For the following year, from the point of view of onoff AG, a doubling of the annual net profit with a planned turnover of approx. 23 million EUR is a realistic order of magnitude. However, continuing supply chain problems and the consequences of the pandemic lead to risks that are difficult to assess from a planning perspective.