
Assess OT security with IRMA® Security Appliance

The first step toward security with IRMA® OT-EVAL
We can help you to get started with Operational Technology (OT) security so you can gain experience and evaluate your production or plant more transparently. Using IRMA® OT-EVAL, our analysis provides a transparent system overview and recommendations on how to secure your production system against attacks in the future with targeted measures. We chose IRMA® because this security appliance is already proven in industrial use for many years in various sectors. Additionally, IRMA® was developed considering the latest security requirements (incl. KRITIS / IT-SiG 2.0) in Germany.

We help you to better understand your network

Our evaluation is based on the use of IRMA® Security Appliance to independently record and analyze assets, devices and their data connections. No specialized knowledge is required to analyze and check your network.

Our analysis will provide details about your network without specialized knowledge through a step by step, logical click-by-click sequence. Based on this compiled information, our network and OT security specialists evaluate possible threats and risks in the next step.

How do you benefit from our OT evaluation?

  • Protection against cyber risks
  • Decision-making supportfor investments or updates
  • Important step for certification according to the requirements of the IT Security Act (IT-SiG 2.0)
  • Immediate overview and transparency of your IT/OT devices and systems
  • Analysis results available immediately
  • Anomalies become transparent in the system
  • Support from onoff OT security specialists
  • Recommendations and planning of further targeted recommendations
  • Risk analysis of critical findings


To start our analysis, our experts coordinate with you by phone the optimal measurement location within your system and the detailed steps for the self-installation of the IRMA® Security Appliance Box. We will then send you the pre-installed security box.

In close collaboration, we discuss the data of the devices and systems that are immediately visible after installation, including the detailed presentation of the communications and protocols used.

We provide security through continuous monitoring based on cognitive analysis of communications. This is how abnormalitiesare immediately detected and communicated accordingly as an alarm.

One of our OT security and network specialists analyzes your collected data and explains in detail the anomalies and resulting necessary measures.

Finally, we present all collected analysis results and recommendations for measures based on these. In addition, we will send you an electronic report on the found devicesand communications, as well as the result of the initial risk assessment.

The security assessment and risk minimization

Passive monitoring enables the data to be recorded quickly and without retroactive effects. All information is available for risk analysis and further documentation with little effort. Immediate improvements in availability and revaluations of risk provisions are possible.
  • Status assessment of OT security within 30 days
  • Support from experienced OT security specialist for 8 hours throughout the period
  • Use of the IRMA®Security Appliance on site

onoff Security Analysis

Analysis of your industrial networks with IRMA® OT-EVAL
From € 1580 (one time)
  • Analysis results available immediately
  • Anomalies visible in the system
  • Support from onoff OT specialists
  • Recommendation of further measures
  • Risk analysis of critical findings
IRMA® Security Appliance

IRMA® is a product of Achtwerk GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved