News & Events

onoff Christmas donation

This year, onoff AG supports the work of the integration guides Garbsen for the integration of refugees into society with a donation of EUR 1,000.00.

In their voluntary work, the integration pilots take on the personal support of refugees in dealing with authorities, everyday support, the organization and planning of events as well as group offers for integration and socialization. Especially during the Corona pandemic in recent years, socializing came up short and lockdowns made it much more difficult for refugees to integrate into society. The integration pilots now want to counteract these deficits in order to plan more community projects and events that promote cohesion.

Since 2014, NEULAND has been a point of contact for refugees arriving in Garbsen and, through its work, aims above all to promote community-building activities, intercultural exchange, help for self-help, and networking and cooperation. The association works closely with the city of Garbsen as well as the Lutheran Silvanusgemeinde and the Catholic parishes of St. Raphael and St. Maria Regina. At the handover on January 19, 2023 in the neighborhood store in Garbsen, Dr. Uwe Ganzer, CEO of onoff AG, was able to get a good impression of this important work in conversation with Kathrin Osterwald, head of the NEULAND social project, and some volunteer integration guides.

We wish all volunteers in this project continued success in this important topic. More about the integration pilots:
